Here you can submit a complaint regarding your order of a replica of the original cycling clothing. We apologize for any issues you experienced with your purchase.


In order to handle your complaint, we kindly ask you to fill in the form below. Please complete all required fields and upload photos to support your complaint.


Deviations in design or color

With reference to our terms and conditions regarding customization, only major deviations in design or color can be processed. If you have noticed this, you can submit and explain the complaint below. Please also upload photos of the deviation.


Wrong size 

If the dimensions are not correct - i.e. deviate from the size table - you can explain this in more detail below. Please also upload photos of the deviation from the size chart.


Not received

If you have not (yet) received the order, you can further explain the complaint below.

    Order number:


    Phone number:

    E-mail address:

    Drag & Drop Files Here

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